Mom takes the boy's temperature

Coughs and Colds in Children

Children often have up to six colds per year. Colds, and most coughs, are caused by viruses (not bacteria), so antibiotics won’t help. If the cough is bad, and persists, your child may have a chest infection caused by bacteria – if so, your doctor will prescribe antibiotics.

Children cough to get rid of the mucous from their chest, or when it runs from their nose down the back of their throat.

Signs your child or baby has a cold

  • Stuffy, runny nose.
  • Sneezing.
  • Fever.
  • Headache.
  • Noisy cough.

Children cough to get rid of the mucous from their chest, or when it runs from their nose down the back of their throat. For this reason, you don’t want to stop the cough completely, but you can help ease your child’s distress by soothing it. Offer them extra fluids. Encourage nose blowing if your child is old enough. It is advisable not to use any cough medicines, unless you seek the advice of your family doctor or pharmacist, especially in babies and young children.

Young father playing with his daughter inside with toys


This is a viral infection that causes swelling of the back of the throat, narrowing the airway and making breathing difficult. It may begin like a normal cold, with a runny nose and cough. Croup can last from several days up to a week, with the cough lasting longer.

Signs of a croup cold

  • Often begins like a normal cold with a runny nose and cough.
  • Harsh, barking cough, particularly at night.
  • Noisy or squeaky breathing when they breathe in.
  • Hoarse voice.
  • May have a slight fever.
Senior woman getting out of bed holding lower back in pain

Treating colds in children at home

  • Comfort them and keep them calm with quiet activities.
  • Offer frequent drinks.
  • Give paracetamol for a fever after consultation with a doctor.

If your child continues to have trouble breathing or becomes more distressed and unwell, see your family doctor or hospital right away.

Young father playing with his daughter inside with toys

How to prevent the spread of infection

  • Many infectious diseases are spread in the air by coughing and sneezing. Teach your children to cover their mouth when coughing and sneezing and to use a tissue when they blow their nose.
  • Don't put other children in the sick child's bed.

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