
This is a common, mild viral infection, affecting mostly very young children.

Roseola is most infectious when your child starts to become unwell and while they have a fever.

Time from exposure to illness (incubation period): 5 –15 days.

Signs and symptoms

  • Irritability and not wanting to eat.
  • A sudden high fever which usually last 3-5 days.
  • A fine raised red rash may appear on the body and spread to the limbs once the fever subsides. The rash lasts for 1-2 days.
Young father playing with his daughter inside with toys

At home

  • Paracetamol can be used to help reduce fever.
  • Offer your child extra drinks while they have a fever.
  • Dress them in lightweight clothing.

Infectious period

Roseola is most infectious when your child starts to become unwell and while they have a fever. Keep them at home until the fever and rash have disappeared to reduce the spread of infection.

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