Quality Use of Medicines

Quality Use of Medicines

Panadol: Australia’s Most Trusted Pain Relief Brand* and Quality Use of Medicines

Panadol is Australia's leading and most trusted brand for pain relief*, with paracetamol as its active ingredient. Suitable for use by 98% of Australian adults^, paracetamol effectively provides relief for a wide range of pain conditions. With a well-established safety and risk profile, paracetamol has been used to relieve pain by Australians for over 60 years.

By following the guidelines below, you can appropriately use paracetamol to manage pain and fever. For personalised advice, consult a healthcare professional such as your pharmacist or doctor.


Buying Paracetamol

Amount to buy: Only buy what you and your family need and avoid stockpiling paracetamol in the medicine cupboard.

Read the labels of all medicines: Look at the active ingredients of all products before buying them – paracetamol is often in other medicines like cold and flu product.


Using Paracetamol

As with all medicines, it is always important to read the label and use paracetamol-containing products only as directed. Incorrect use can be harmful.

Follow Label Instructions: Always follow the directions on the label.

Recommended Dose: Make sure you are taking the right amount and do not take more than the recommended dose.

Duration of Use: Children: do not take for more than 48 hours at a time except on medical advice. Adults: do not take for more than a few days at a time except on medical advice.

Do not take multiple paracetamol-containing products: if you are taking other medicines, such as cold and flu products, check the labels to see if they contain paracetamol to avoid taking a double dose.

Using other medicines: always check with your pharmacist or doctor if it is appropriate to use paracetamol with other medicines you are taking.

Consult Healthcare Professional: If symptoms persist, seek medical advice from your pharmacist or doctor.


Safe Storage of Paracetamol

Proper storage of paracetamol is crucial to help reduce risk of misuse.

Secure Placement: Store paracetamol in a secure location, out of reach and sight of children.

Avoid Stockpiling: Refrain from accumulating excessive amounts.

Medicine Cabinet Practices: It is recommended to only keep the required amount in the medicine cabinet at home.

Accessible Storage: Retain a small, accessible supply of paracetamol and store the rest in a less accessible place, such as a lockable drawer.

Return Unwanted Medicines: Return unneeded or expired medications to the pharmacy for safe disposal.


Immediate Action: Call 000 or go to the the nearest Accident and Emergency Department if an overdose occurs or is suspected. Advice can also be sought from Poisons Information Centre by calling 13 11 26.


For important information about paracetamol as published by the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia click here.


*Reader’s Digest Trusted Brand Survey 2024 ^Suitable for 98% of Australian adults, based on criteria derived from contraindications, warnings, and precautions from the prescribing information for OTC paracetamol, ibuprofen, and aspirin, and on Australian population demographics of 2006. Clarke GD, et al. Int J Pharm Pract 2008;16:333–6 (GSK-sponsored study)

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