Panadol Actifast Soluble Tablets

500mg Paracetamol

For speedy pain relief when you need it most, discover Panadol Actifast Soluble, effervescent tablets that are absorbed twice as fast as standard paracetamol tablets. Panadol Actifast starts to relieve pain in just 15 minutes.

Panadol Actifast Soluble tablets break down in contact with water , dissolving into a solution. The active ingredient in Panadol Actifast Soluble is paracetamol (500mg per tablet). Panadol Actifast Soluble reduces fever and mild to moderate pain and relieves:

  • Headache (including migraine)
  • Toothache
  • Pain and fever associated with cold & flu symptoms
  • Sore throat
  • Muscle pain
  • Period pain

Like other Panadol products, Panadol Actifast Soluble is gentle on the stomach.

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How to use

Please check the table below to ensure you take the appropriate dose of this medicine. Always read and follow all directions on the product label prior to use, and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you’re not sure whether this medicine is right for you.

Please check the table below to ensure you take the appropriate dose of this medicine. Always read and follow all directions on the product label prior to use, and talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you’re not sure whether this medicine is right for you.


Age Dosage
10 - 15 Give 1 tablets (dissolved in water) up to 4 times daily, as required. Maximum 4 tablets in 24-hours. 
Do not take for longer than 3 days without GP advice
Do not give more frequently than every 4 hours
16+ Take 1-2 tablets (dissolved in water) up to 4 times daily, as required. Maximum 8 tablets in 24 hour period.
Do not give more frequently than every 4 hours

Not recommended for children under 10 years.

Usage directions, ingredients

This section contains an overview of Panadol products and does not include full label information. Always read the product label/leaflet and only use as directed. Contains paracetamol.

Drop the Panadol Actifast Soluble tablets into at least half a glass of water.

How should I store this medicine?

You should store Panadol Actifast Soluble below 25 degrees Celsius.


The active ingredient in Panadol Actifast Soluble is paracetamol (500mg per tablet). Panadol Actifast Soluble tablets also contain:

  • Sodium content 427 mg per tablet

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