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Growing pains is the term commonly used to describe the achy legs children can sometimes feel, often at night. It’s usually nothing to be worried about, but you’ll naturally want to understand what your child is experiencing, why it’s happening and how you can help ease their paini
The 3 biggest problems with growing pains:
1. They hurt: Your child is experiencing real discomfort.
2. They disrupt sleep: Your little one may be grumpy and tired during the day.
3. They're vague: Reported aches vary and the causes aren’t well understoodvii.
What are the symptoms of growing pain in children?
If your child is experiencing growing pains, they will most likely complain of achy legs, and usually at night. The pain, however, can also affect their arms and even cause tummy aches and headaches.iii Although the symptoms most often occur during the night, they can disrupt your child’s sleep, causing tiredness the next day.
How can I tell if it’s growing pains or something else?
Growing pains, while uncomfortable, aren’t dangerous. But other conditions that can cause pain in children might be, so pay attention to what they’re telling you. Always err on the side of caution and consult a doctor.
Pain symptoms that may indicate growing pains:
Pain symptoms that may indicate growing pains:
What causes growing pain in children?
Some think growing pains might be related to restless legs syndrome, a disorder characterised by unpleasant sensations in the legs and an urge to move them. The leading say perhaps it’s down to too much physical activity during the preceding day. The short answer is that no one really knows. viii
Contrary to popular opinion, what we call growing pains typically don’t happen during periods when your child is growing the most. Even during growth spurts, bones don’t grow quickly and the process shouldn’t cause any pain. viii
What are the possible explanations for growing pains?
There are a few theories about why your child might feel growing pain on and off from two years old until they hit the teen years. These includexi:
Because there’s no specific cause of growing pains, there’s no set cure or treatment eitherxi. The good news, however, is that there are several ways you can help make a child with minor muscle aches more comfortable and ease their pain. These range from simple home remedies to over-the-counter pain-relief medications, such as Children’s Panadol.
How can I ease my child’s growing pains?
While you can’t stop the growing pains from happening, there are a few things you can do to stop muscle aches hurting so muchxii:
Don’t give them more than one medicine containing paracetamol and never give aspirin to a child under 16 unless instructed to do so by a doctor.xiii
When will it get better?
Your child might experience growing pains for only a short time or on and off for a period of several years.xvi The aches generally tend to stop by the onset of the teenage years—just as your child is developing an entirely new, hormone-related set of issues to deal with!
Your job as a parent may never be finished but rest assured that help and advice are always available.
i. Growing Pains. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
ii. Growing Pains. Mayo Clinic,no%20evidence%20%20that%20growth%20hurts. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
iii. Growing Pains. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 9/11/20.
iv. Growing Pains. Cleveland Clinic. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
v. Growing Pains. Better Health. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
vi. Growing Pains. Better Health. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
vii. Growing Pains. Mayo Clinic. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
viii. Growing Pains. Mayo Clinic. 20354349#:~:text=Growing%20pains%20are%20often%20described,no%20evidence %20that%20growth%20hurts. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
ix. Growing Pains. Better Health. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
x. Growing Pains. Mayo Clinic. 20354349#:~:text=Growing%20pains%20are%20often%20described,no%20evidence%20that%20growth%20hurts. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in
source PDF.
xi. Growing Pains. Mayo Clinic. 20354349#:~:text=Growing%20pains%20are%20often%20described,no%20evidence %20that%20growth%20hurts. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF
xii. Growing Pains. Mayo Clinic.
20354349#:~:text=Growing%20pains%20are%20often%20described,no%20evidence %20that%20growth%20hurts. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
xiii. Paracetamol for Children (Including Calpol). NHS. Accessed 6/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF.
xiv. Growing Pains. Better Health. Accessed 9/11/20. Referenced text is highlighted in source PDF
xv. Growing Pains Reviewed by Steven Dowshen. Kids Health from Nemours Foundation. [Accessed 18 Mar 21]