
Panadol Extra


Panadol Regular


Panadol Cold & Flu


Panadol Anak Drops


Panadol Anak Syrup


Panadol Anak Suspension


Panadol Anak Chewable


Panadol Flu & Batuk

  • Produk
  • Format
  • Umur
  • Fitur utama
  • Bahan-bahan
Panadol Extra

Panadol Extra

  • Tabletas / Capsulas
  • 12+ tahun
  • Melawan sakit kepala, sakit gigi dan nyeri yang mengganggu
  • Bahan aktif: Parasetamol 500mg dan Caffeine 65mg.
Panadol Regular

Panadol Regular

  • Tabletas / Capsulas
  • 12+ tahun
  • Melawan sakit kepala, sakit gigi dan nyeri yang mengganggu
  • Bahan aktif: Parasetamol 500mg.
Panadol Cold & Flu

Panadol Cold & Flu

  • Tablet
  • 12+ tahun
  • Panadol Cold & Flu meredakan gejala hidung tersumbat batuk yang tidak berdahak, dan demam yang menyertai influenza. Tersedia untuk varian Panadol Flu & Batuk
  • Bahan aktif: Parasetamol 500mg, Pseudoephedrine HCl 30mg, Dextromethorphan HBr 15mg
Panadol Flu & Batuk

Panadol Flu & Batuk

  • Tablet
  • 12+ tahun
  • Panadol Flu & Batuk meredakan gejala-gejala flu seperti: demam, sakit kepala, hidung tersumbat, dan bersin-bersin yang disertai batuk tidak berdahak.
  • Bahan aktif: Parasetamol 500mg, Phenylephrine HCl 5mg, Dextromethorphan HBr 15mg
Panadol Anak Drops

Panadol Anak Drops

  • Liquido
  • Usia 0-1 tahun
  • Cepat dan Efektif Melawan Demam dan Rasa Nyeri oleh 5 Kondisi
  • Bahan aktif: Paracetamol 32 mg/mL
Panadol Kid Syrup

Panadol Anak Syrup

  • Liquido
  • Usia 1-6 tahun
  • Cepat dan Efektif Melawan Demam dan Rasa Nyeri oleh 5 Kondisi
  • Bahan aktif: Paracetamol 32 mg/mL
Panadol Kid Suspension

Panadol Anak Suspension

  • Liquido
  • Usia 6+ tahun
  • Cepat dan Efektif Melawan Demam dan Rasa Nyeri oleh 5 Kondisi
  • Bahan aktif: Paracetamol 50 mg/mL
Panadol Kid Chewable

Panadol Anak Chewable

  • Tabletas / Capsulas
  • Usia 2-12 tahun
  • Cepat dan Efektif Melawan Demam dan Rasa Nyeri oleh 5 Kondisi
  • Bahan aktif: Paracetamol 120 mg/tablet
Child taking bath with mom

When It Comes To Pain And Fever, Make No Mistake

Children's Calpol features paracetamol as its active ingredient. It has an unsurpassed safety profile, making it more suitable more often. It is also clinically proven to be fast and effective, but with fewer drug interactions.

The World Health Organization recommends paracetamol as a #1 choice for children's pain and fever.

Paracetamol Has An Unsurpassed Safety Profile

  • As effective and fast acting as other active ingredients, even for high fevers
  • Gentle on tummies, even empty ones*
  • Suitable from just two months
  • Can be used in cases of fever associated with dengue or malaria
  • Fewer drug-drug interactions than other active ingredients

* Study conducted using paracetamol on adults.

Quick Facts

Quick Facts

Andrew Daniels, Senior Pharmacist

A member of Pharmaceutical Society of Australia

"From my 20 years of medical experience, I recommend Children’s Calpol as the first line of defense when it comes to pain or fever. It’s effective yet gentle for children. As a parent myself, I can be sure that my children are getting the appropriate medication.”

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Children's Capol asked over 2,000 parents around the world about their experience with mistakes. Come see what we discovered.

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